Friday, September 19, 2008

How Long is a Long Time?

From a very small polling sample (3 respondents) it looks like there isn't exactly irrational exuberance going on in the downtown St. Paul housing market. I've been thinking about time horizons and real estate a lot lately, and stumbled on some pictures of Lowertown taken in 2001 and 2002. Where do you think this picture was taken, and what is there now?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Great Eats

Roger and Dawn Hubmer owners of Prairie Pride Farms make some very fine sausage that they sell at the St. Paul Farmer's Market in Lowertown. While they gave out free samples of a very tasty wild rice sausage this weekend it was their andouille that I could not resist. This is an awesome time to make meals of nothing but fresh food available at the farmer's market. It won't be long before all this fresh local produce is a sweet memory. On Sunday we had a throw together almost 100% farmer's market dinner as a break from the death march that is unpacking after the movers deliver your stuff.

Fresh New Potatoes with Andouille
red skinned potatoes
red bell pepper
yellow bell pepper
fresh garlic
3/4 of an andouille sausage link per person
dab of butter
salt and pepper
sour cream

Boil the potatoes whole until tender. Drain and cool, then remove skins as desired. Dice. Chop the bell peppers and onion fine. Saute in butter just until onions start to caramelize, then cover and simmer until they are quite soft. Slice sausages then cut slices into quarters. Put in covered skillet with peppers and onions and chopped fresh garlic (to taste) with enough water to cook the sausage. After sausage is cooked through remove cover and let sauce continue to simmer until it is quite thick and begins to caramelize. Stir in potatoes, add salt and pepper to taste, then turn up heat. Let sit until potatoes begin to brown and a nice crust begins to form. Turn and brown other side. Slide onto a plate and serve with sour cream on the side. Goes great with beer and football. If you eat breakfast at Keys this is very much like a dish on their menu. (Can't remember the name, I've only been there once.) But, for the price of one restaurant serving you can feed three very hungry adults.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mears Park Demonstration HQ

Today's big protest march started at Mears Park. Although billed as a march addressing poverty issues there were still plenty of anti-war and anti-administration sentiments.

The street in front of Chez Lofty seems to be set up as a holding area, we get a great view of the police searching backpacks and such. I'd say they are no more intrusive than your average TSA search, but that would be damning with faint praise.